In written requests, Vivo said the order against him was contrary to the mandate of Article 17 of the PMLA, because the same thing did not require a reason to freeze, let alone the reason “reasons for believing” about why a bank account must be frozen. This is a general order that is passed mechanically without the application of the mind.
It is said that the total non-application of mind and arbitrariness is manifested from the fact that even the amount in question has not been quantified by respondents and covers orders to freeze all bank accounts that have caused great difficulties and cannot be improved to the applicant and applicant and applicant and applicant and the applicants and applicants and applicants and applicants and cannot be improved and the applicant and applicant and applicant and applicant and cannot be repaired and the applicant and applicant and applicant and cannot be improved and cannot be improved and greatly affect the business and reputation .
Furthermore, saying a frozen account is used for payment of salary and legal contributions, opening a credit letter for the applicant’s operation and for all types of expenses needed for the applicant’s daily function.
“Monthly payments around 2,826 CRORE Hospital must be made on legal contributions, salaries, rent, money for daily business operations. Because of the freezing of bank accounts, the applicant will not be able to respect the obligations mentioned above not only against various laws of laws mentioned Above not only to the various laws mentioned above. The authorities, but also to employees and customers, “he said further.
Vivo has told the court that the news circulation about ED search has slandered the image between suppliers and customers, “which leads to loss of reputation and financial, and damage that cannot be repaired in the years of good intentions developed” by him.
“The freezing of bank accounts will not only prevent existing business operations/prospective applicants carried out through a bank account but will also have a negative impact on applicant operations around the world,” he added.